Commemoration Ceremony of the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia’s Independence Day at the Simpang Tiga Redelong Sharia Court

Saturday, August 17, 2024, at the Simpang Tiga Redelong Sharia Court office yard, the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia was held with the theme “New Archipelago, Advanced Indonesia” which took place solemnly and smoothly. The ceremony was attended by the Deputy Chairperson, Judges, Clerk, Secretary, Structural and Functional Officials, and PPNPN of the Simpang Tiga Redelong Sharia Court.

Deputy Chairperson, YM Mr. Mhd. Syukri Adly, S.H.I., M.A. as the Ceremony Instructor in his message delivered a speech by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on Modernizing Indonesian Law by having a Criminal Code and revising 80 Laws and 1,200 articles.

And at the end of the speech, in his remarks, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Ir. H. Joko Widodo prayed that the future government under the leadership of President Mr. Prabowo Subianto would be given ease and guidance in leading this nation. The event continued with a group photo. (Editor-MS.Str)

Simpang Tiga Redelong, Monday (19/8/2024) The Syar’iyah Court (MS) of Simpang Tiga Redelong held a ceremony to commemorate the 79th Anniversary of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia in the yard of the MS Simpang Tiga Redelong Office. The ceremony began at 08.00 WIB and acted as the ceremony instructor was Mr. Kamil Amrulloh, S.H.I., M.H. (Chairman of MS Simpang Tiga Redelong) The ceremony was attended by all Judges, Clerks, Secretaries of Structural Officials, Functional Officials, and all MS Simpang Tiga Redelong Employees.

The commemoration of the 79th anniversary of the Supreme Court carries the theme “Resilient Judiciary, Advanced Indonesia”. This theme contains the meaning that a resilient judiciary plays an important role in the growth and development of a country, because the function of the Judicial Power carried out by the Supreme Court and the judicial bodies under it is one of the pillars of power that supports the establishment of a country.

The strength of the judicial institution is largely determined by the integrity and professionalism of all its apparatus. Without the aspects of integrity and professionalism, the law enforcement system will be weak and the judicial institution will certainly become fragile. Along with the 79th Anniversary, after the ceremony, the Supreme Court will also launch several new applications that are the result of the work of the best sons and daughters of the Supreme Court, namely:

The SIAP MA application is integrated with the Smart Assembly feature;

The e-Court Application for Legal Efforts for Cassation and Review;

The Early Detection Application;

The mobile version of the JDIH application;

After the ceremony was completed, a group photo was taken in the yard of the MS Simpang Tiga Redelong office.